So a friend of mine, we’ll call him Z, got me a set of Meiliang tube paints off my Amazon wishlist, along with a tiny travel watercolor book, and a little empty palette of what was supposed to be 12 half pans. Among other things. But we’re focusing on the watercolors for now! Take a good look at how many half pans are in here as I’m filling them up.

See something off? I didn’t at the time! Anyway, I meticulously chose a limited palette with what I had available to me. Still didn’t think anything of what I had, because obviously it was 12 pans and I had enough colors to fill it up, even if it took me some waffling and a second opinion for my last color.

(Don’t judge me for my sloppy fill job, this was my first time filling half pans from tubes and I didn’t know what I was doing. Next time will look nicer)
The paints came out great, though I had some limited issue with binder separation in the yellow ochre. It’s dried out great though, no issues with using it after that. I still, at this time, didn’t realize that I had 14 colors in my palette. It wasn’t until I made a little swatch card that I realized what had happened.

Oops!!! Not a bad thing, though. I really like the colors I chose for my palette, and I think the extra blue and green will give me a bit more versatility. But you might notice that I have a lil Tumuarta mini watercolor pad. I found out, the swatch card I made is just slightly too big to fit into my palette itself without being trimmed down, but the pad? It has a little pocket in the back that is the perfect size.

Anyway, I’ll post a couple of watercolor pieces I’ve done in the pad so far later. Maybe after I get back from visiting my dad and getting some photos and ideas for pretty watercolor scenes where snow actually exists. For now, enjoy a few random color mixes I did before class with the colors in this palette. I do highly recommend these paints for beginners (which I am, too haha) but if you already have a tin of the Meiliang watercolor half pans, I probably wouldn’t bother unless you’re like me and wanted to make a separate mini-palette without taking out any of the pans you already have from your main palette.